I've tried Dysport, let's chat

I remember it as clear as day.

I had just finished up a workout, jumped in the car and the dreaded front facing iphone camera popped up. AND THERE IS WAS. A valley line across my forehead that looked deeper than the Kali Gandaki (yes I googled the deepest valley in the world) valley.

As I was driving along, I casually glanced up at the rearview mirror. & there it was, NO DENYING IT GUYS, my years of having an overly expressive face had finally caught up with me. I wasn’t being crazy. That line was there and it had come out to play.

Hmmmmm, I thought. That’s annoying.

95% percent of girls are overly critical of themselves. Including me. We could all be a little kinder to ourselves. So I decided to just leave it alone, after all I was young.


Well after a year my single line gained a few friends, so I decided to go in for a little Botox. At this point everyone and their mom was talking about preventive beauty. It felt like the stigma around Botox had started to fade. Long story short, the Botox did not go well. I mean, it looked great but I passed out and swore I would never do it again.

Well never say never!

A few months back I got to talking with the owner of Boss Gal Beauty, Kathy. I told her about my previous experience with Botox, irrational reaction to needles and how my forehead friends were starting to get the best of me. Kathy explained to me the difference between Botox and Dysport, the benefits of starting now instead of continuing to put it off and I was pretty much sold once I heard how she was a ninja with Dysport and I wouldn’t feel a thing.

So I said ‘why the heck not’ & went for it.

Yup, I got Dysport.

You should know, the reason I’m doing this post is because a lot of you were blowing up my DMs about my Dysport experience and it only feels right to let y’all in on all the juicy details.

…& the blogger I strive to be every day is someone who’s an open book.

Plus I love taking one for the team ; )

This is a community for women to live their best lives. Women who are sharing wellness tips, tricks, advice, mistakes, experience, stories, etc. So yes, a Dysport post makes perfect sense. It’s something that A LOT of women are doing…& a lot of them are not talking about it.



The real reason I decided to pull the trigger was not just because of the valley friends on my forehead…the reason was: it’s preventative. Meaning those lovely lines wouldn’t continue to get deeper, making the wrinkle worse.

So yes, the prevention thing is what sold me. I mean I definitely didn’t ( & don’t ). Who would?

BECAUSE DUH! Preventive beauty is where it’s at! Keep that youthful skin instead of ruining it & having to fix it- you know?

Wrinkles & aging are a fact of life. We are all going to get older & age. HOWEVER, I feel like we can all choose to age gracefully with simple preventative measures. Like let’s be cool about it. Agreed?


I had my Dysport done at Boss Gal Beauty here in Columbus, Ohio. They are truly amazing, have a wide offering of spa services and Kathy is the only human I will trust with my face.


It’s natural looking, kicks in fast and lasts up to 5 months.


Dysport is $3.75/unit. So you can expect around $115-$200 depending on how many units you get.


Needles. So many needles.

I hate needles. Really, I do this cute thing where you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers. Needles are mine.

The needle for this was so small & not as bad as I thought…primarily because my eyes were closed, I had a little fan blowing on my face and squeezed the heck outta a stress ball the entire time.

Also, I wanted to be EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE. No Real Housewives BS for me.


I walked into the cutest little room & Kathy told me to lay down ( HELLO FEAR OF NEEDLES ). Then she talked me through the areas we would be treating and the after care.

After that she got the needles ready ( my eyes were closed ) & she did six injections in like 1 minute. Quick, easy, painless, & I didn’t see the needle.

& then I was done.


Post Dysport it’s important to NOT exercise, bend over, or lie down all day. They say four hours, but I’m a firm believer in being an overachiever and decided to wait all day. 

Dysport can last anywhere from 3-5 months depending on how quickly your body metabolizes the product. Right now my plan is to go in 1 to 2 times a year. Nothing crazy and all in the name of prevention.

As far as bruising, I did not experience any. Kathy did tell me that if you are going to experience bruising it will happen almost immediately.

Big Pro Tip: drink lots of water and avoid alcohol for 48hrs leading up to your appointment if you’re nervous about bruising. Not science, but it worked for me.

Ps. Dysport kind of opens your face in the best way. I can’t explain it. I feel refreshed, constantly.

ALSO, Can we chat about why Botox and Dysport feel so Taboo?

When I shared my experience on Instastories so many of y’all thanked me for being transparent about the process. Sharing a little BTS and just being upfront that I was having Dysport done.

Can’t we just all talk about it? Let’s talk about botox and Dysport and fillers. Let’s go there. A lot of women feel the need to lie. Why lie? I feel very good about the decisions I have made for MYSELF. I’m not ashamed. I made them fully informed & was well researched. You should feel amazing about it too!

OK, ready, set, go: what are you specific questions about Dysport? Very happy to answer below.

Book a free consultation with Boss Gal Beauty here!

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