Friday Favorites: Fitness

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It is no secret around here that I have been loving this new at home workout life! To be so honest with y’all it did not start that way. When the gyms first closed down, I struggled to get my sweat on. Orange Theory fitness classes had become such a HUGE part of my routine it honestly was hard to set a new workout schedule. For someone who loves OTF and could truly be considered addicted to their classes, it felt strange to not also love their in-app workouts.

After a few trial and errors, I’m so excited to share what has been working when it comes to fitness! The biggest issue I was having with at home workouts was the lack of accountability. Thankfully Class Pass rolled out LIVE zoom workouts. Which means:

  1. accountability

  2. a set workout time

  3. fun and new workouts

Here are some workouts I am loving:

  • ClassPass - they have on-demand workouts and you are also able to use your credits for live zoom workouts with specific studios.

  • Barry’s Bootcamp - we do not have a Barry’s bootcamp here in Columbus, so it’s been SO much fun taking their live zoom classes. I’ve been taking their full body and band classes, and let me tell you they make you sore. In the best way possible!

  • Barre 3 - these Barre classes KICK MY BOOTY. WOW! Such a great low-impact workout that will have your muscles screaming within the first 10mins.

  • Peloton Bike & app workouts - the Peloton bike has been a great source of cardio, but their in app workouts take the cake! There are so many options from bodyweight to meditation, creating the ultimate workout resource.

At Home Workout Essentials

While working out at home it’s been super great to have a dedicated space and equipment. Here are some of the everyday essentials for working out at home!

How are you staying active during this stay at home time?

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